Everything You Need to Know About Flossing Your Teeth

Flossing your teeth is an important part of dental health. It can help prevent cavities, gum disease and tooth decay, and it's easy to do. But if you're new to flossing, you may have some questions for your dentist about how to get started. Below is a handy guide on everything you need to know about flossing your teeth.

Benefits of Flossing

Flossing is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums! Did you know that flossing can help remove plaque and food particles that are often hard to reach for your toothbrush? Just a few moments each day can make a world of difference. Regular flossing helps you avoid decay by getting rid of harmful bacteria. It also stimulates your gums and promotes circulation in the mouth, strengthening your gum tissue. Not only that, but it's a fast and easy process, so why not make it part of your everyday routine?

Different Types of Floss

Flossing is a key part of any dental hygiene, and there are now numerous different varieties to choose from. Whether you opt for waxed or unwaxed floss, both will help keep your teeth clean and healthy. Waxed floss is coated in wax which gives extra comfort when used between your teeth. Unwaxed floss is a better choice if your teeth are spaced further apart, so it's easier to slide through them without breaking apart. And if you're looking for a more pleasant experience while flossing, there are even flavoured options, such as mint, available on the market today.

Flossing Techniques

Taking care of your teeth can feel like a daunting task, but flossing regularly is an important part of the upkeep. When it comes to technique, the most important thing is to use even pressure as you slide and curve the strand around each tooth. Start by taking one end of the floss between two teeth and wrapping the excess around one finger on each hand. Slide up and down gently against both sides of all your teeth — don't forget those back molars! And make sure you curve the floss into a C shape for below-the-gum-line cleaning as you go along. To finish, rinse with water or mouthwash for added freshness.


Flossing your teeth is an incredibly important step in your oral health care routine and can make a big difference over time. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to flossing, contact a local dentist.
