How to Care for Dental Implants

When you first get dental implants, you may experience joy at having a full permanent set of teeth once again. For many people, this delight lasts a lifetime. However, if you do not care properly for your dental implants, it is possible that they could fail and need to be removed. Find out how to avoid this possible complication by reading the following tips.

1. Brush Daily and Thoroughly

Dentists recommend cleaning your dental implants at least twice a day, just as you would clean natural teeth. An electric toothbrush is likely to be the best tool for cleaning your dental implants, as the head rotates rapidly to sweep plaque from the surfaces of the implant crowns. Electric toothbrushes have timers, to ensure you brush for long enough. Some also have pressure sensors that help you to avoid pressing too hard, something which is easy to do when you are cleaning dental implants rather than natural teeth.

2. Floss Daily

Losing natural teeth and having them replaced with dental implants is not an excuse to stop flossing. The purpose of using floss is to remove bacteria and food from the gum pockets around your teeth or implants, which helps to reduce the risk of gum disease. Many people with dental implants find it difficult to use string floss and prefer to use an interdental brush or a water flosser. Whatever tool you use, be sure to floss your dental implants every day.

3. Do Not Smoke

Dental implants need healthy gums to support them. Smoking damages gum health by restricting blood flow. It also increases the risk of developing oral cancer. To reduce your risk of developing a serious oral condition that forces a dentist to remove your dental implants, you should aim to quit smoking before your implants are fitted, and stay away from tobacco forever after.

4. Visit a Dentist Regularly

Regular dental checkups are essential to the maintenance of dental implants. Dentists can monitor the health of your gums and take action if you begin to show signs of gum disease. For example, they could prescribe antibiotics to get the infection in your gums under control and give you a medicated mouth rinse to use to prevent it from recurring. Dental implants depend on healthy gums, so it is vital to have regular dental checkups and follow your dentist's advice in order to maintain them well.
