3 Organic Teeth Whitening Techniques

Different things can cause teeth discolouration. Whether it's a particular type of food, fluoride in your tap water, disease or medication that caused enamel erosion, the cause should not worry you because you can whiten your teeth in one of two ways. You can visit your dentist and have some quick bleaching procedures done. The whitening may not be immediate, but it will happen eventually. It may also be a bit expensive. Alternatively, you can get some off-the-shelf solutions. If you would like to whiten your teeth naturally, this article gives you a DIY guide to organic teeth whitening that you can do at home.

Leverage the Teeth Whitening Properties of Baking Soda

Did you know that baking soda is one of the ingredients used in the manufacture of most kinds of toothpaste? The higher the concentration of baking soda in toothpaste, the more efficient the stain removal ability. It's believed to have teeth whitening ability and can reduce teeth discolouration over time.

You mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 2 teaspoons of water. Upon measuring those portions, stir up to create a paste and brush your teeth with it. Don't expect immediate changes as you will need to do this a couple of times a week for a while.

Reverse Your Diet and Harmful Habits

You need to think of what caused the teeth discolouration in the first place. When you frequently eat junk foods and drinks, sugary items and high-acid foods, your teeth could darken. In addition, habits such as smoking cause your teeth to change colour as a reaction to the nicotine in cigarettes. Abuse of drugs and alcohol affects the colour of teeth due to the chemicals and foreign substances that you are introducing your body.

To keep your teeth white, reduce your consumption of processed foods. Take fruits such as strawberries, papaya and pineapples whose enzymes have a cleaning effect on your teeth. In addition to the whitening advantage, they also remove plaque from teeth while you chew.

Don't Underestimate Regular Brushing and Flossing

Most people only brush their teeth when they wake up. Brushing should happen more often. You can use toothpaste made of natural ingredients such as the herbal pastes. You can brush at night before bed and at any other time of the day if necessary. Brushing helps remove plaque and bacteria in between your teeth and lowers the probability of discolouration. Flossing should complement brushing, especially when you don't have access to a toothbrush.

Reach out to a dentist to learn more about tooth whitening.
