Tips to Fostering an Oral Care Routine in Toddlers

Toddlers can be quite finicky. One minute they are excited about oral care, the next they do not want to be dictated to when to brush their teeth. As tempting as it may be to let them find their own dental hygiene rhythm, you will probably be doing more harm than good for their teeth. This is because if baby teeth develop tooth decay, it will be a waste of money to fill in the cavities, as the teeth will still fall off. If you would like to prevent an unnecessary visit to the dentist, it is prudent to help your child create a healthy relationship with their oral care routine. Here are some tips that can come in handy in helping to foster healthy oral care routine in your toddler. 

Get them a special toothbrush

If there is one thing toddler like, it is something that is flashy and engage their attention. To get them excited about brushing their teeth, choose to invest in a special toothbrush. There are a number of things that could make their toothbrush special. For one, you could opt to buy one that has their favourite cartoon colour. Alternatively, you could opt for one that makes sounds when it is in use. Just take note to steer clear from bland toothbrushes, as these will not excite them on a daily basis. Take note that when selecting a toothbrush for your toddler, it should have soft bristles so as not to harm their delicate gums.

Get them a sand timer

The process of brushing teeth takes time. Therefore, it is prudent to instill in your toddler that they need to spend some time brushing their teeth rather than trying to rush through the process. The best way to do this would be by investing in a sand timer. This small timber can be placed on the sink as they brush their teeth and your toddler can watch the sand filter down until it is done. Not only does this give them a distraction while brushing their teeth, but it also ensures they spend a sufficient amount of time to clean their teeth.

Get them gold stars

Over time, it is not uncommon to find that toddlers start finding their oral care routine tedious. If you find that their interest in brushing their teeth is waning, get them some gold stars. Whenever your toddler brushes their teeth without any fussing, you can hand them a gold star for being a good sport. 
